For the past couple days I was away for a training in Tampa, a two-and-a-half-day trip that coincidentally spanned an extremely pivotal date. Since I was going to be holed up in a hotel with no distractions after 3:30 two days in a row, I fully intended to write a blog; alas, I did not. Instead I went to Angry Chair where I discovered the most delicious beers known to man which rendered me a little too not-in-a-writing state of mind to blog yet just enough in a rambling state of mind to vlog, so for your viewing (dis)pleasure(?), I present to you, my first ever vlog.
*Btw, rebel and resist both share the prefix re- "against" (you'll soon understand).
(God, this is so cringe; I can't look. Also, warning: a skilled extemporaneous speaker I am not.)